Available in both Mister top 2 (12.95) or 4 oz.(19.95) cobalt blue atomizers and refill bottles used to fill the mister topped bottles. The refills come in 8 oz, 16 oz and 32 oz sizes.
This mist contains a very strong blend of essential oils & menthol crystals dissolved in water with jojoba oil and a bit of alcohol to keep it fresh.
It is analgesic, anti-fungal, anesthetic and anti-spasmodic. This is a safe, natural analgesic reported to be useful for many kinds of muscle pain and itching, arthritis, Fibro myalgia, bug bites, fatigue, congestion, and a host of other conditions from Tennis elbow to sore throats and ear infections. One client ever reported it helped with her dog's fleas. Probably the fleas don't like the smell. It even may be lethal for them. . . Try it and let us know how it works for you!
The Flower Essences help the body recuperate and re-establish balance on the emotional level. The gem elixirs add a subtle infusion of healing vibrations to promote balance and well being.
This Mist is a bit strong for direct application near the eyes or sensitive mucus membrane areas.
Initial contact with the mist is usually very cooling as the menthol and peppermint cool the skin. Then as the oils penetrate they have the ability to increase the circulation so aid the bodies natural intelligence to heal.
Muscle Ease Mist has been reported useful for: Pain Relief, Muscle or Joint pain, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, Fibromyalgia, Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Decongestant: Sinus Problems, Bronchial problems, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Itchy Skin, Self Protection spray, Flea Repellent, Ear Infection, Sore throat, Reduces inflammation, Aids in recovery from surgery, Pre Surgery comfort, Recovery major injuries, Warm up, Plantar fasciitis, Sciatica, Shin splints, Menstrual cramps, MS, Scoliosis, Shingles, Heel Spurs, Gout, Jaw/dental pain,, TMJ, Cooling & Purifying, Headaches (Tension), Energizing Mental stimulant, Lymph drainage, Muscle Cramps, Lupus, Growing pains, Disinfectant Sore, Tired Feet, Pleasure, Just for Fun, It just tingles Good!